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Query Template: /products/qry_prodList.cfm:158 Execution Time: 0.774 ms Record Count: 0 Cached: No Lazy: No SQL: select p.udefIndexPageSequence,,, p.descripShrt, p.newUntil, '' as purchaseDate, p.primaryKeywords, p.secondaryKeywords, p.tertiaryKeywords, p.udefNavFriendly as prodNavFriendly, p.udefNavFriendly as udefNavFriendly, as skuID, s.qty, s.qtyUnit, lu.udefNavFriendly as catNavFriendly, p.udefActiveSkus, p.udefPosterPrintedSides, p.udefPosterMaterial, p.udefPosterSize, p.udefStartingAt, p.udefOnSale, p.udefFeatherPrintedSides, p.udefFeatherBase, p.udefFeatherSize, p.udefPoleSleeve, p.udefQuickShip, as catName from tb_prods_skus s inner join tb_prods p on ( = s.prodID) left outer join tb_prods_cats_lk lk on (lk.prodID = left outer join tb_prods_cats_lu lu on (lk.catID = where p.isactive and isnull(p.delete_date) and p.udefPublicProduct = 1 and p.udefCustomerSpecificProduct is null and s.isactive and isnull(s.delete_date) and lk.catID in ([CF_SQL_INTEGER]) group by s.prodID order by p.udefIndexPageSequence asc,, s.listPrice asc, s.sku, p.udefSunpatiensSequence, | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
udefIndexPageSequence | name | id | descripShrt | newUntil | purchaseDate | primaryKeywords | secondaryKeywords | tertiaryKeywords | prodNavFriendly | udefNavFriendly | skuID | qty | qtyUnit | catNavFriendly | udefActiveSkus | udefPosterPrintedSides | udefPosterMaterial | udefPosterSize | udefStartingAt | udefOnSale | udefFeatherPrintedSides | udefFeatherBase | udefFeatherSize | udefPoleSleeve | udefQuickShip | catName |
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