Don't let a sloppy install reduce the effectiveness of great signage.

Here are 5 install Ideas for your 47"x12" signage. Select the best option for the layout and infrastructure of your garden center.

1) PVC Stands

You can use PVC as a quick, cost-effective way to display your 47"x12" Coroplast signs throughout your garden center. It is a low-cost way to have an easy, clean install.



2) Wood Frames

Different customers have created wooden frames where the coroplast slides in from one end.


3) Canopy Ball & Breakaway Bungees

Bungees are a quick way to install your coroplast (and vinyl) signs if you have poles or fencing to attach them to.


4) Hooks from Overhead Piping


Quickly hang your signs with hooks from overhead piping. The signs are very lightweight so this won't add stress to the pipe.

47x12 Coroplast In Action

Check out how great our 47x12 signs get shoppers' attention and make it easy for them to find the plants they're looking for and give them new ideas.

Shop 48x12 Coroplast Signs

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